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Welcome to the iTrapshooter.com message board!


It is appreciated that real names are used on the board, in some format.   If you choose to register under a “pen name”, it is appreciated that you still sign message posts with your real name, in some format. Why do we suggest this?


Message posts signed with real names lend immense credibility, are visibly respected and help bring more knowledgeable replies; including replies from the most respected people in trapshooting.


*** Click here for the iTrapshooter.com message board and register at the top left corner of the page. ***



Thank you very much for your your support of the iTrapshooter.com message board!   

Our goal is to have a polite message board.  iTrapshooter.com is not responsible or to be considered liable for any individual postings on the message board. Users of the message board agree to use at their own risk. Should any offensive material be found, please report it to Editor@iTrapshooter.com.  Thank you for your help in creating a good neighborhood for all to enjoy.

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