Trapshooting Hall of Fame

Ohio State Trapshooting Hall of Fame
18 Time All-American

2 Times Captain Industry Team


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Serving the Trapshooting Community

Grand American Notables:
1976 High Over-All-Runner-up (lost shoot-off with Gene Sears) - 1978 Clay Target Champion - 1987 Clay


Target Runner-Up - 1988 High Over All  986 x 1000 - 1988 All-Around Runner-up - 1989 Clay Target Champion - 1989 Budweiser


(Preliminary) Handicap Champion - 1989 High Over All Runner-Up - 7 Consecutive 200 x 200 at Grand Over Three Years - 14 Trophies in

One year at Grand as Industry Shooter - 1990 100 Straight from 27  
State Championships: Singles, Doubles, Handicap and All-Around

Championships in both Ohio and Maryland - 1975 Ohio State Handicap Champion from 27 (the largest handicap won by a 27-yarder at the

time - 1600 Entrees) - August 28, 1977 Broke 100 straight from 27 to give Grand Slam (17th person) - Won over 1000 trophies at trap

shoots in 38 States and Provinces - Won Flyer Shoots in Illinois, Texas, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida  Other: Ohio State

Association Director 2006 to present - OSTA President 2011 - Ohio State Shoot Tournament Director 2007 to present.




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1977 Grand American - Vandalia

Hall of Fame   Brad Dysinger